Happy New Year!

Last year brought lots of things and people to be grateful for. But of course, there have been challenges as well, challenges that taught us a thing or two about life and prompted us to reflect and to improve moving forward.


For many, New Year is another opportunity to start fresh and be better. This doesn’t mean that it’s the only time we will do improvements and changes. We can change any time, but tradition has it that we list down our New Year’s resolutions.

Here are some of our travel resolutions that you might also want to consider for yourself.

Use all your leaves.

Some of us don’t get to exhaust all the allotted leaves from work. It’s time to make a change. Take a break, treat yourself, and stop feeling guilty for claiming a well-deserved rest. It’s your right. In fact, research suggests that taking breaks lessens the probability of getting mental fatigue and improves productivity.

Take fewer photos.

Taking photos and selfies is alright, but like what Catriona Gray taught us, “Everything is good if in moderation.” Be considerate, especially when taking photos of famous places. Don’t take too much time as others want to have their photos taken too.

Often, it is best to just be in the moment. When you put down your camera phone, you’re more likely to enjoy and remember the details of your trip.

You already spent energy, time, and money to get there — BE THERE. Enjoy your time there and make the most out of it.

Avoid using the phone when dining.

This is especially true when you dine with others. Avoid taking too many photos of food because your companions might be too tired and just want to eat in peace.

Don’t spend too much time chatting, watching videos or playing games while at the dining table. Paying attention to the people you are with and the food on the table is a sign of respect. Join in the conversation and connect with the people you’re sharing a meal with. Actual human interaction is still better than constantly tapping on your keypad.

Spend in your destination if you can afford it!

Help the local economy by patronizing local products. However, you must also be aware of the materials or ingredients used. Is it environmental-friendly? Are animals and plants (especially the critically endangered species) not harmed in creating the product?

Travel sustainably.

Don’t litter. Respect wildlife and nature. Bring your own reusable utensils and refillable water bottle. You know what they say: Take nothing but pictures, kill nothing but time, leave nothing but footprints. Let’s help take care of our environment. This planet is our home.

Be more budget-savvy.

It’s not always about the cheapest but what gives the best value for money. Just because the ticket or the product is on sale doesn’t mean you have to buy it. You have to consider also other factors like the time of your arrival, the season, the distance to/from the attractions that you want to visit, and so on.

Be more adventurous.

Allow yourself to be spontaneous every once in a while. Don’t be afraid to try local cuisine. And always try to learn something new in every destination!

Get that insurance.

It’s good to be more adventurous; it’s also wise and practical to get insurance when you travel, especially for the thrill seekers. Even if you are not the adventurous type, paying a relatively small amount for travel insurance goes a long way!

Learn the local language.

Learn simple and useful local phrases like “hello”, “goodbye”, “please”, and “thank you” can go a long, long way. Not only will it prove useful, it also shows that you care about your destination.

Interacting with the locals will give you a deeper insight into their culture. It would also help if you will make effort to know the customs to avoid offending the locals.

Be more diligent even when you travel.

Some tasks can be easily done even when you travel. You just need to have the right app for it. For example, for electric bills, download the MERALCO MOBILE app and sign up for paperless billing. This way, you get to receive and view your bills online, even when you travel. You also don’t need to worry about your bills getting lost while you’re away. You can even pay your bills using the app too!


This post is brought to you by MERALCO.
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Sunny Co

cool article :)